Using an Arduino Mega as an EEPROM Programmer

Not yet complete

Original Arduino Code

Current Arduino Code

Original Python Code (it mostly doesn't work :C )

I got most of the parts I need for my 65C02 based computer recently, and I've started to put it together.

However I did not bother to get an EEPROM programmer, because I didn't feel like burning eighty dollars on something I might be able to make myself.

The EEPROM will store the programs I write for the 65C02, so I need a way to write to the chip before I can start on anything.

My solution was to program an Arduino Mega to act as the EEPROM programmer and interface with it using PYSerial.

The idea looked great on paper, but as usual the implementation was difficult.

As of writing this, I still havent managed to get PYSerial and my Arduino to work together. I'm still looking into solving the issue, but I have no clue where to go.

I'll post the Python code as soon as I manage to get everything working.


I managed to get the python code to work sort of!

I'm still not posting it because running it on its own doesn't work, it needs to be run in the shell for some reason.

Once I figure out the issue I'll post the code on this page :3